Welcome to hi gray.

If you landed here, chances are you’ve seen them somewhere: Hims’ hair loss supplements for men, Nurx’s birth control services, Quip’s sleek toothbrushes. Consumer health companies are popping left and right in categories from prescription pills to infant formula and anything in between. And with good reason, consumers everywhere are demanding speed, experience, and a connection with their health care providers and products. It’s a trend that is here to stay, which is where we come in.

hi gray is both a newsletter and space for collaborative learning designed to feed your curiosity and help you examine new ideas in the consumer health space. Every Sunday, hi gray will release a Q&A with founders/business leaders of consumer health companies that should be on your radar. We’ll talk business conception, industry trends, and the impact of current events in their space. Other dispatches to look forward to: consumer trend breakdowns, sit downs with health care professionals, and lists of things that keep us fueled.

But perhaps our greater goal is to give you — entrepreneurs, business leaders and health care professionals in the consumer health/tech space — a space to collaborate on. So we invite you to reach out to us with questions on the companies we feature and stay tuned for further networking opps.

Homepage artwork: Tatsuya Tanaka